Soft delete in Nodejs


2 min read

Soft delete is a technique used in databases to mark records as deleted without physically removing them from the database. Sequelize is a popular JavaScript Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library that can be used with Node.js applications. Here's an example of how to implement soft delete in Sequelize along with some use cases:

Implementing Soft Delete in Sequelize

1. Setup Sequelize and Define a Model:

First, make sure you have Sequelize installed and configured in your Node.js project. Then, define your Sequelize model. For example, let's create a `User` model with soft delete functionality.


const Sequelize = require('sequelize');

const sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'username', 'password', {

dialect: 'postgresql', // Change this to your database dialect


const User = sequelize.define('User', {

name: Sequelize.STRING,

isDeleted: {

type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN,

defaultValue: false,



2. The Soft Delete Logic:

Add a `isDeleted` field to your model to mark records as deleted. When you want to "delete" a record, instead of removing it, update the `isDeleted` flag to `true`.


// Soft delete a user

User.update({ isDeleted: true }, { where: { id: userId }});

3. Queries with Soft Delete:

When querying data, make sure to include a condition to filter out soft-deleted records.


// Find all active users

User.findAll({ where: { isDeleted: false }});

4. Restore Deleted Records:

If needed, you can also restore soft-deleted records by setting `isDeleted` to `false`.


// Restore a soft-deleted user

User.update({ isDeleted: false }, { where: { id: userId }});

Use Cases for Soft Delete

1. User Management:

Soft delete is useful for managing user accounts. Instead of permanently deleting a user's account, you can deactivate it while preserving their data.

2. Content Management Systems:

In CMS applications, you might want to retain deleted articles or pages for auditing purposes. Soft delete helps in this case.

3. Archiving Data:

Soft delete can be used to archive older data that is no longer actively used but still needs to be retained for historical purposes.

4. Recycle Bin:

Implementing a "recycle bin" feature in applications to temporarily hold deleted items before permanent removal.

5. Auditing and Compliance:

In regulated industries, keeping a record of soft-deleted items can assist in compliance with data retention policies.

By implementing soft delete in Sequelize, you can provide a safer way to handle data deletion and maintain data integrity in your applications ๐Ÿ‘Œ.
